Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let's Get This Straight

You are not living in a democracy. The saintly (but often wrong) Founding Fathers did not trust the people, whom they saw as an uncontrollable mob. So they set up a severely limited representative Federal Republic to keep the mob at bay, disenfranchising as many as they possibly could to protect their own elitist positions and, of course, slavery.

Nor do you live in a representative Republic now. The man you vote for is already busy protecting the donors who got him elected. Those rich folks, corporations and special interest groups are his real constituency, and he will do what he must to serve them. Your vote is just for show so the illusion of a Republic can continue to narcotize the sheeple. Only 50% of Americans bother to vote. Either they are stupid and lazy or the understand the futility of the action and choose not to participate in the sham. Probably both,

No, you live evermore so in an Oligarchy. Look it up. Think about it.

On the next election day skip voting and do something productive: watch a rerun of My Mother The Car, go for a walk, clean your guns, take a satisfying shit. All of these have far more virtue than lining up with the sheeple to make your mark,

~ mce

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

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