Friday, January 25, 2013

Resist The Empire

"The most revolutionary thing anyone can do is follow one's heart."
      Derrick Jensen - Walking On Water: Reading, Writing and Revolution

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Education v.1

"The most important piece of technology in any classroom is the second hand of the clock. The purpose is to teach millions of students the identical prayer: Please God, make it move faster."
  Derrick Jensen

Keep this in mind the next time you show a Powerpoint presentation.


Talking About Revolution

Currently, 60% of Spaniards under 25 are unemployed. This is a bomb waiting to go off.

High unemployment in Weimer was a huge cause of Hitler's ascendency.

Spain has a violent history of both Anarchy and Fascism. Youth unemployment at this level will feed all kinds of extremism. Kids will not long accept the fact that they have no future.

Throw in Basque and Catalan separatist movements and it only looks worse.

Look for bad things to happen in Spain soon.

It will only take a spark.


Friday, January 4, 2013

What Is Anarchism?

I am often asked this question when I refer to myself as an anarchist. As most Americans are among the most politically and economically illiterate folks on earth, it is difficult to answer. Still it is important to try. Capitalism is currently very weak, as a result of rampant, unchecked globalization. Formerly, owners and corporations pulled the strings, but now even they are at the the mercy of the usurers. Cracks are forming everywhere within the capitalist system, largely as a result of its inability to deliver the basics (e.g. a living wage) to all but a minority of people. This is the so called "New Normal." Thus, this is a time to look for alternatives. Anarchism is one such alternative.

Below is a pamphlet in PDF form which should open on most computers that does a good job of explicating the basics of anarchism. I don't agree with all of it, but with most.

Warning: If you are close-minded, unimaginative or just plain too stupid to follow an argument, you will want to skip this.