You can watch it on TV as you sip your latte.
The pundits are playing it down because they are afraid of admitting what the root causes are: austerity programs, higher taxes, high unemployment, students who can't afford college or get jobs after they graduate, increasing cost of living, a shrinking middle class, an increasing gap between rich and poor, and no hope all leading to RAGE!
Sounds a lot like America, eh? The pot will boil slower here but when it finally boils over it will be much worse than in England.
It will begin with an economic collapse and then the fault-lines in America will show themselves: rich against poor, black and Latino against whites, religious factions against religious factions and finally the formation of militias and Yugoslavian decent into chaos and civil war.
Rage engenders revolution.
And again, Europeans fight with Molotov cocktails, bricks and sticks; Americans will fight with guns. Blood will flow.
Anarchy: Look For It Soon In Your Neighborhood.
~ mce
"No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time." - Emma Goldman
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