Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Dumb Class

I have taught a great many dumb classes, enough to know that mostly we are all (teachers, students and employees) caught in the dumb class.

You get into the dumb class by blindly following societal orders. Sit up straight, raise your hand. Don't ask annoying questions. Stand in line. Wait your turn. Kiss up. Say what the teacher or boss wants you to say. Major in upward mobility. Believe that money is the most important value and confers self-worth. Chase the money. Work at a job you hate just because the money is good. Never have an original thought. Live in fear of losing the job that you hate but that defines you. Retire poor and die miserably.

And most importantly: never, ever, ask: who am I and what do I really want. That is the greatest heresy in the corporate state, the idea that you might say fuck off and then design yourself.

So let us begin a random journey through the society that, largely through school, steals your self and replaces it with its own passive, obedient, loyal version of your self.

Schooling is one of the most sinister evils of our time and getting more so. We will bounce around in no order (I am an anarchist) and see how this came to be and what we might do to undo it.

The form of this blog will be mainly aphoristic, both mine and others.


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