Saturday, August 6, 2011


I despise compulsion. I was born a rebel and have resisted every form of compulsion imposed on me. I don't like structure, hierarchy, rules or regulations. This colors all of my thinking. This is why I'm an anarchist. Hey, I'm just stating my prejudices.

But here comes a contradiction. In this sorry and failing country in which we live, I believe some form of national service is necessary.

Take the military. I hated Vietnam and I hated (but couldn't avoid) the draft. Still, I believe that a standing, professional army is a threat to any country. Thus, I would say keep the professional army, but draft the Reserves and National Guard. This, I think, would balance the inherent dangers of a professional army, be more democratic, provide young people with a chance to meet and interact with people they might usually never meet, and make it less easy for the oligarchs to begin and maintain the endless "wars of peace" that we are currently mired in by simply getting more skin in the game. Right now, one percent of Americans serve in the military. That makes it too easy for the other 99% to ignore the fighting and dying.

As you can see, contradictions are the inevitable result of current conditions. Without a tyrannical central government, what I am proposing would not be necessary and I would oppose it. Sadly, for the time being, reality must trump principles.

- mce

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