What exactly is the function of the NRA? Interesting question. Supposedly it is to protect the Second Amendment. Not so. Its real function is to promote fear. Fear of "the others." That means anyone different, especially people of color. This is a great marketing ploy for the gun industry. Create an endless supply of weapons; those weapons will be bought by scared white people, but will also fall into the hands of criminals (some people of color), which will then encourage more scared white people to buy guns for "home defense," and so on ad nauseam.
The NRA uses the ubiquitous racism of American society to hustle guns to scared white suburbanites and racist militias.
So, essentially the NRA supports White Supremacy and white supremacists love and support the NRA. Think about it. It would be interesting to know what percentage of the NRA's membership is white supremacist and skin head, but of course we never will.
Patriots and Believers of the Constitution support the NRA, so a over zealous government does not bypass the 2nd Amendment even though a slow erosion of gun rights has been taken place since 1968 with needless gun legislation, and Liberals who only dream of free college, no taxes, and more Govt give aways supported by more National debt. Time to wake up get educated on a Govt that has gotten to big and caters to Special interests.