Monday, December 31, 2012

The Single Academic Word I Hate The Most

adjunct |ˈajə ng kt|
1 a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part : computer technology is an adjunct to learning.
a person who is another's assistant or subordinate.
2 Grammar a word or phrase used to amplify or modify the meaning of another word or words in a sentence.
adjective [ attrib. ]
connected or added to something, typically in an auxiliary way : other alternative or adjunct therapies include immunotherapy.
• (of an academic post) attached to the staff of a college in a temporary or assistant capacity : an adjunct professor of entomology. [as n. ] both adjuncts and tenured professors tend to inflate grades .

For Christ's sake get rid of the word adjunct.

For those of you haven't thought of it, adjunct is demeaning.  It's like saying nigger instead of black, or spic instead of latino, Or chink instead of asian.

Why not just part-time and full-time faculty? Why make it demeaning? If it weren't for adjuncts a college education would cost 30% more and probably have 30% fewer students.

I am by far more qualified and experienced than most of my colleagues to teach college classes, and yet I am somehow a second class citizen. In fact, if it weren't for the savings colleges extract from adjuncts (now about 70% of the teaching force and growing), most tenured faculty wouldn't have jobs.

Lose this stupid,  demeaning description.

You need us more than we need you. Either become aware of that or risk the fire next time.

Happy New Year,


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