I work for a college that shall remain nameless. This is not because I'm worried about getting fired. I'd love to get fired on a free speech issue and be able to retire early and well on the settlement.
My college is an open admission community college. If you have a pulse, you get admitted. I'm a great believer that everyone should get a shot, so it's fine with me.
It used to be a fun place to teach before the bureaucrats, faux deans and technocrats took over. Now we are about rules, regulations, paperwork and, increasingly, micromanagement.
The college stays in business by having a tiny cadre of full-time, tenured professors and a huge army of adjuncts. In other words, it stays in business via exploitation, the The True American way.
If I'm going to write about the place, I do need some snappy, short way to refer to it. It bills itself as the Community College of Central Pennsylvania.
Eureka! Henceforth I shall refer to it as the CCCP. Somehow this seems both ironic and appropriate. Also, I doubt the former Soviet Union will sue me.
So hello CCCP; you will be hearing more from me.
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